Friday 12 March 2010

The film that myself and my group have created has been named “Three’s a crowd.” The film is based upon betrayal and murder, two main conventions within the film noir genre, in which we have chosen to create our opening clip as. We found that when studying film noir, the climax of the film is normally in the opening scene and we have chosen to recreate this convention.

The opening scene will consist of Miriam, sat waiting for someone to walk through a front door and notice her presence. She looks upset and smokes constantly for a short while. Then, a key turns in the door and laughing between a male and female can be heard. John, Miriam’s husband, appears with Maria, a beautiful young woman. As the two characters enter the parlour where Miriam is waiting, she clears her throat to announce her appearance, much to the shock of John and Maria. John instantly tries to deny any form of relationship with Maria and as he is trying to do so, Miriam shuts him up by shooting Maria with a handgun that has been resting on her lap for the entire scene. Pointing the gun at john, he misses the first shot aimed at him and then struggles with his wife for the gun, accidentally shooting her in the process. The final clip of this scene ends in John standing over the two bodies in tears.

As a group, we have discussed the idea of sound effects and music within the scene, as we know that these effects are also key within the film noir genre. We have chosen to create some form of instrumental, dark and intense instrumentals to add to the climax of the scene as well as enhancing the audiences want to see what happens in the remainder of the film.

We chose to incorporate the stereo-typical “femme fatale” role into the film, however, choosing to have 2 we felt gave the scene a twist. We also felt that by doing so, the connotation of the scene being a love triangle is very modern day, often seen in soap drama’s, music video’s etc. However, in contrast to this, rather than taking the audience through the illicit relationship that occurs, at the beginning of the film and work our way through the storyline, that we would use this in our plot as an anti-climax to the opening scene so that the audience don’t lose interest in the plot, but, as I mentioned previously, to stay in keeping with the film noir genre

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