Friday 12 March 2010

"Three's A Crowd" Script

A female sitting in a chair, MIRIAM BROWNE is smoking a cigarette with one hand, holding a martini in her other, by the pained expression on her face she looks stressed and her tear stained face suggests she’s been crying. She is of a young age, mid-twenties possibly, and undeniably beautiful with her brown curls pinned, red lipstick highlighting her plump lips and a cocktail dress perfectly accentuating her figure.

The home is comfortable and undeniably luxurious, the Browne’s are obviously a wealthy couple, there is fine wallpaper on the walls, giving the room a homely feel, whilst the sofa MIRIAM is sat on, looks delicate. There is a window behind MIRIAM but the curtains have been drawn closed, the drapes hanging delicately over the curtains themselves..

(A sound of a door opening occurs accompanied by some laughter. MIRIAM instantly composes herself upon hearing the noise. A Couple, of the same age as MIRIAM appear through the door to which MIRIAM is awaiting. MARIA is a few years younger then JOHN and MIRIAM. At first JOHN and MARIA do not notice the figure waiting for them and proceed in laughing and talking to one another, MIRIAM then clears her throat, JOHN turns the light on)


Well, what do we have here then? I Knew I couldn’t trust you John, I Knew it.


Now baby, this is not what it looks like… (Remaining calm, a relaxed expression on his face)

(JOHN goes to comfort MIRIAM)


(Shouting at John, pausing between words, monotone) Don’t, you, dare. (Shaking as she pulls out a 9mm handgun, JOHN steps back as she aims the gun at him and places her glass on the fireplace)

(MIRIAM aims the gun at john, then shoots MARIA)

(Gunshot sounds, MARIA is on the floor, lifeless and MIRIAM turns the gun to JOHN. Instantly knowing that his life is at risk, he tries to grab the gun from MIRIAM even though she has a firm grip, they struggle. A gunshot sounds. MIRIAM is too, lying on the sofa lifeless with a bullet wound in her chest, JOHN rushes to MIRIAMS side, she whispers into his ear something no one else could possibly hears before taking her last breath, the gun beside him as he is looking down at the MIRIAM, lying still.)


What have I Done?!

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