Friday 12 March 2010

Plot summary of "Three's A Crowd"

As a group, we are producing a film based on the trials and retributions of love with the theme of crime being the recurring topic.

The film is in a linear format. Set in the 1940’s, it commences with two murders being committed, A wife, discovering her husband is having an illicit affair with another woman, kills his lover, before he then kills her after a violent struggle. The husband is caught by police and interrogated about what happened, the film mainly consists of flashbacks of him and his lovers relationship as well as the one he had with his wife, changing in tenses, divulging to the audience, his thoughts and feelings and problems that may lead to him being charged for multiple murder rather than let free for self-defence. The film then focuses upon the detective gathering evidence for the prosecution after the story doesn’t coincide with the bullet wounds and fingerprints on the gun. The detective sets about interviewing those close to the victims and suspect, yet again, as the trial grows closer. The suspect grows more and more hostile in aiding the detective after being disallowed to attend his lover’s funeral and eventually commits suicide, unable being able to cope with the pressure. Answers are still needed, however. Will the detective discover the truth? The final scene will end on this cliffhanger to keep the audience at the edge of their seat

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